Well-being of employees across the globe is key, including those working for our suppliers. That is why we act to ensure safe and fair working conditions throughout our supply chain. By 2030, we aim for 90% of our products to be produced in socially audited factories. This commitment reflects our dedication to supporting the rights, dignity, and well-being of all workers involved in creating our products.
Social audits play a vital role in achieving this goal by evaluating key aspects of labour practices. These audits ensure that workers operate in safe, clean, and healthy environments, are paid fair wages, and are protected from exploitation such as child or forced labour. They also verify compliance with regulations on working hours and employee rights, fostering an ethical and transparent supply chain. By prioritising social audits, we take tangible steps to promote fairness and dignity for workers across every level of production.
For the social audits we work amfori BSCI.